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The process for filling a VANFLYTA prescription is different than how you normally obtain a prescription at your local pharmacy. The steps below tell you how to get your prescription.

How to get your prescription

How to get your medication

Once your doctor writes your prescription for VANFLYTA, you and your doctor will fill out and sign any needed paperwork, including the VANFLYTA Patient Enrollment Form.

Your doctor will send your prescription to a pharmacy that may or may not be affiliated with their office or hospital. Information about financial assistance programs can also be provided to you at this time.

Once your prescription is fulfilled, the medication will be delivered to your current site of treatment or preferred location.

Your doctor or specialty pharmacy may contact you with additional information regarding your
VANFLYTA prescription.

Please call your doctor or specialty pharmacy with any questions regarding your VANFLYTA prescription.

Contact information for specialty pharmacies

Biologics by McKesson

Phone: 1-800-850-4306 Fax: 1-800-823-4506

Onco360® Oncology Pharmacy

Phone: 1-877-662-6633 Fax: 1-877-662-6355

If you are unsure about which specialty pharmacy to call, please ask your doctor.